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Click "The List" for the list of Internet Dictionaries, Fun Apps, Movies/Anime/TV Dramas & Shows, YouTubes; whatever JALF director, Keiko would like to recommend Japanese learners to help them improve their skills. Please visit this list on "News&Tips" page frequently as she constantly updates it.
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September 08, 2019
Japanese shops near JALF
・Kinokuniya Bookstores on 6th Ave. bet. 41st&40th St.
・BookOff (Secondhand Books, CDs, DVDs)
on 45th St. bet. 6th & 5th Ave.
・HQ Video (Buy or Rent Japanese DVDs)
on 45th St. bet. 6th & 5th Ave.
・Japanese Foods on 41st St. between 5th & Madison Ave.
Supermarket, Sunrise Mart
Bakery/Obentoo, Cafe Zaiya
・Restaurant Ohtoya/大戸屋 on 141 41th St. bet. 6th Ave. & Broadway
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